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Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
2011 Ultimate Indoor Football
Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown)

Lakeland Raiders (1-0) vs. Georgia Rampage (0-1)

Date: Mar 04, 2013 • Site: Unknown  • Arena:  •  Attendance:

Score by Quarters  Score 
Lakeland Raiders   20  26  14  14  74 
Georgia Rampage   0  13  6  6  25 

1st  11:02  LAK   Tyler Batts 2 yd pass from Bj Hall (Tyler Batts rush) 
         8 plays, 34 yards, TOP 0:00  8 - 0 
  06:27  LAK   Bj Hall 4 yd run 
         7 plays, 20 yards, TOP 2:58  14 - 0 
  01:29  LAK   Koreen Burch 49 yd interception return (Bj Hall pass failed) 
           20 - 0 
2nd  13:01  GA   C.J. Dial 18 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Jaye Tyroff kick) 
         4 plays, 30 yards, TOP 3:01  20 - 7 
  09:57  LAK   Chris Pointdext 1 yd run (Bj Hall pass failed) 
         3 plays, 16 yards, TOP 2:08  26 - 7 
  04:34  LAK   Sergio Allen 26 yd pass from Bj Hall (Chris Pointdext rush failed) 
         1 play, 26 yards, TOP 1:21  32 - 7 
  00:47  LAK   Koreen Burch 45 yd interception return (Tyler Batts rush) 
           40 - 7 
  00:37  LAK   Julius McClella 26 yd fumble recovery (Bj Hall pass failed) 
           46 - 7 
  00:27  GA   JavaresTaylor 31 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Jaye Tyroff kick failed) 
         1 play, 31 yards, TOP 0:05  46 - 13 
3rd  08:51  LAK   Tyler Batts 1 yd run (Rod Jefferson pass from Bj Hall) 
         5 plays, 5 yards, TOP 6:31  54 - 13 
  05:55  GA   C.J. Dial 30 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Joel Stratham pass failed) 
         3 plays, 31 yards, TOP 1:44  54 - 19 
  00:00  LAK   Tyler Batts 4 yd run (Bj Hall pass failed) 
         5 plays, 41 yards, TOP 4:47  60 - 19 
4th  13:31  LAK   Julius McClella 18 yd fumble recovery (Chris Pointdext rush failed) 
           66 - 19 
  06:03  LAK   Jason Harmon 3 yd pass from Bj Hall (Tyrece Gaines pass from Bj Hall) 
         3 plays, 13 yards, TOP 1:47  74 - 19 
  00:43  GA   JavaresTaylor 2 yd run (Jaye Tyroff kick blockd) 
         7 plays, 37 yards, TOP 4:17  74 - 25 

Kickoff time:  • End of Game: 9:46pm  • Total elapsed time: -


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
2011 Ultimate Indoor Football
Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown)

 Team Totals  LAK  GA 
FIRST DOWNS  16  12 
   Passing  10 
   Rushing Attempts  13 
   Average Per Rush  1.5  -0.8 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  14-23-0  12-29-3 
   Average Per Attempt  6.7  6.3 
   Average Per Completion  10.9  15.2 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  36  38 
   Average Gain Per Play  4.8  4.6 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  3-3 
Penalties: Number-Yards  4-35  4-20 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  11-365  5-197 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  33.2  39.4 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  26.6  27.2 
MFG Returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  5-61-0  7-72-0 
   Average Per Return  12.2  10.3 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  3-121-2  0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  2-44-2  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  26:25  31:52 
   1st Quarter  3:32  9:51 
   2nd Quarter  5:55  9:05 
   3rd Quarter  12:08  2:52 
   4th Quarter  4:50  10:04 
Third-Down Conversions  2 of 5  4 of 8 
Fourth-Down Conversions  3 of 3  1 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  4-6  1-4 
   Touchdowns  4-6  1-4 
   Field goals  0-6  0-4 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  4-9  0-0 
PAT Kicks  0-0  1-3 
   2-Point drop-kick PATs  0-0  0-0 
Field Goals  0-0  0-0 
   4-Point drop kick FGs  0-0  0-0 
Touchdowns (Rush-Pass-Return)  4-3-4  1-3-0 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
2011 Ultimate Indoor Football
Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown)

Lakeland Raiders
Georgia Rampage
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Tyler Batts   15  15  2.5 
Bj Hall   0.8 
Chris Pointdext  1.0 
Tyrece Gaines   0.0 
Totals...  13  22  20  1.5 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Jeff Phillips   3.0 
Clarence Goines  1.0 
Joel Stratham   -1  -0.5 
Brad Lester   -4  -2.0 
JavaresTaylor   -6  -2.0 
Totals...  11  18  -7  -0.8 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Bj Hall   14-23-0  153  34 
Totals...  14-23-0  153  34 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Joel Stratham   12-27-2  182  31 
JavaresTaylor   0-2-1 
Totals...  12-29-3  182  31 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Rod Jefferson   65  34 
Jason Harmon   60  30 
Sergio Allen   26  26 
Tyler Batts  
Totals...  14  153  34 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
C.J. Dial   79  30 
JavaresTaylor   53  31 
Jeff Phillips   50  27 
Totals...  12  182  31 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Sergio Allen  
Julius McClella  27  27 
Koreen Burch   15  15  94  49 
DeAngelo Woodie  39  29 
Chris Pointdext 
Totals...  61  29  121  49 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
C.J. Dial  
JavaresTaylor   22  13 
Jeff Phillips   19  19 
Manny Rodriguez  -1 
Lee Hilt   20  20 
Akeen Scruggs   11  11 
Totals...  72  20 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
Koreen Burch   15  94  109 
Rod Jefferson   65  65 
Jason Harmon   60  60 
DeAngelo Woodie  39  39 
Sergio Allen   26  33 
Julius McClella  27  27 
Tyler Batts   15  17 
Bj Hall  
Chris Pointdext 
Totals...  20  153  61  121  355 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
C.J. Dial   79  80 
Jeff Phillips   50  19  72 
JavaresTaylor   -6  53  22  69 
Lee Hilt   20  20 
Akeen Scruggs   11  11 
Clarence Goines 
Joel Stratham   -1  -1 
Manny Rodriguez  -1  -1 
Brad Lester   -4  -4 
Totals...  -7  182  72  247 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
DeAngelo Woodie  314  39.2 
Julius McClella  26  13.0 
Reggie Lewis   25  25.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Jaye Tyroff   197  39.4 
FUMBLES: Lakeland Raiders-None. Georgia Rampage-Joel Stratham 2-2; JavaresTaylor 1-1.


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
2011 Ultimate Indoor Football
Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown)

##  Lakeland Raiders   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
11  Jason Harmon   .   .   .   .  
24  Bryan Houston   .   .   .   .  
19  Koreen Burch   .   .   2-94  .  
7   Reggie Lewis   .   .   .   .  
8   DeAngelo Woodie  .   .   .   .  
9   Julius McClella  .   3-44  1-27  .  
5   Kendrick Stewar  1.0/9   .   .   .  
91  Stephen Coleman  2.0/9   .   .   2.0/9  
12  Chris Pointdext  .   .   .   .  
TM  TM  .   .   .   .  
##  Georgia Rampage   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
15  Manny Rodriguez  .   .   .   .  
28  Andre Powell   .   .   .   .  
53  Albert Catron   1.0/20   .   .   .  
13  Akeen Scruggs   .   .   .   .  
99  Sam Chester   1.0/2   .   .   .  
21  Al Shumak   .   .   .   .  
7   Omar Pittman   .   .   .   .  
9   Jaye Tyroff   .   .   .   .  
60  Nick Rivers   .   .   .   .  
57  Lamond Williams  .   .   .   .  
1   Brad Lester   .   .   .   .  
55  Emmanuel Nkana   .   .   .   .  


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Lakeland Raiders.... 20 26 14 14  - 74       Record: (1-0)
Georgia Rampage.....  0 13  6  6  - 25       Record: (0-1)

Scoring Summary:
1st 11:02 LAK - Tyler Batts 2 yd pass from Bj Hall (Tyler Batts rush), 8-34 0:00, LAK 8 - GA 0
    06:27 LAK - Bj Hall 4 yd run, 7-20 2:58, LAK 14 - GA 0
    01:29 LAK - Koreen Burch 49 yd interception return (Bj Hall pass failed), , LAK 20 - GA 0
2nd 13:01 GA - C.J. Dial 18 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Jaye Tyroff kick), 4-30 3:01, LAK 20 - GA 7
    09:57 LAK - Chris Pointdext 1 yd run (Bj Hall pass failed), 3-16 2:08, LAK 26 - GA 7
    04:34 LAK - Sergio Allen 26 yd pass from Bj Hall (Chris Pointdext rush failed), 1-26 1:21, LAK 32 - GA 7
    00:47 LAK - Koreen Burch 45 yd interception return (Tyler Batts rush), , LAK 40 - GA 7
    00:37 LAK - Julius McClella 26 yd fumble recovery (Bj Hall pass failed), , LAK 46 - GA 7
    00:27 GA - JavaresTaylor 31 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Jaye Tyroff kick failed), 1-31 0:05, LAK 46 - GA 13
3rd 08:51 LAK - Tyler Batts 1 yd run (Rod Jefferson pass from Bj Hall), 5-5 6:31, LAK 54 - GA 13
    05:55 GA - C.J. Dial 30 yd pass from Joel Stratham (Joel Stratham pass failed), 3-31 1:44, LAK 54 - GA 19
    00:00 LAK - Tyler Batts 4 yd run (Bj Hall pass failed), 5-41 4:47, LAK 60 - GA 19
4th 13:31 LAK - Julius McClella 18 yd fumble recovery (Chris Pointdext rush failed), , LAK 66 - GA 19
    06:03 LAK - Jason Harmon 3 yd pass from Bj Hall (Tyrece Gaines pass from Bj Hall), 3-13 1:47, LAK 74 - GA 19
    00:43 GA - JavaresTaylor 2 yd run (Jaye Tyroff kick blockd), 7-37 4:17, LAK 74 - GA 25

                                    LAK       GA
FIRST DOWNS...................       16       12
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    13-20     9--7
PASSING YDS (NET).............      153      182
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  23-14-0  29-12-3
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   36-173   38-175
Fumble Returns-Yards..........     2-44      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     5-61     7-72
Interception Returns-Yards....    3-121      0-0
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      3-3
Penalties-Yards...............     4-35     4-20
Possession Time...............    26:25    31:52
Third-Down Conversions........   2 of 5   4 of 8
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   3 of 3   1 of 2
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      4-6      1-4
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      4-9      0-0

RUSHING: Lakeland Raiders-Tyler Batts 6-15; Bj Hall 4-3; Chris Pointdext
2-2; Tyrece Gaines 1-0. Georgia Rampage-Jeff Phillips 1-3; Clarence Goines 1-1;
Joel Stratham 2-minus 1; Brad Lester 2-minus 4; JavaresTaylor 3-minus 6.

PASSING: Lakeland Raiders-Bj Hall 14-23-0-153. Georgia Rampage-Joel
Stratham 12-27-2-182; JavaresTaylor 0-2-1-0.

RECEIVING: Lakeland Raiders-Rod Jefferson 6-65; Jason Harmon 6-60; Sergio
Allen 1-26; Tyler Batts 1-2. Georgia Rampage-C.J. Dial 5-79; JavaresTaylor 4-53;
Jeff Phillips 3-50.

INTERCEPTIONS: Lakeland Raiders-Koreen Burch 2-94; Julius McClella 1-27.
Georgia Rampage-None.

FUMBLES: Lakeland Raiders-None. Georgia Rampage-Joel Stratham 2-2;
JavaresTaylor 1-1.

Stadium:                       Attendance: 0
Kickoff time:           End of Game: 9:46pm    Total elapsed time: -

Lakeland Raiders vs Georgia Rampage (Mar 04, 2013 at Unknown) SACKS (UA-A): Lakeland Raiders-Stephen Coleman 2-0. Georgia Rampage-None. TACKLES (UA-A): Lakeland Raiders-Bryan Houston 3-1; Jason Harmon 3-1; Koreen Burch 1-3; Reggie Lewis 3-0; DeAngelo Woodie 2-1; Julius McClella 2-1; Kendrick Stewar 1-2; Stephen Coleman 2-0; Chris Pointdext 0-1. Georgia Rampage-Manny Rodriguez 4-3; Andre Powell 3-2; Albert Catron 3-1; Akeen Scruggs 3-1; Sam Chester 2-2; Al Shumak 1-3; Omar Pittman 0-2; Jaye Tyroff 1-0; Nick Rivers 1-0; Lamond Williams 1-0; Brad Lester 0-1; Emmanuel Nkana 0-1. Game Starters: Lakeland Raiders POS ## OFFENSE QB 3 Bj Hall WR 2 Rod Jefferson WR 15 Tyrece Gaines WR 11 Jason Harmon OL 96 Mo Mitchell OL 66 Brendan Berry OL 55 Larry Wriedt RB 6 Tyler Batts K 9 Julius McClella POS ## DEFENSE LB 9 Julius McClella LB 5 Kendrick Stewar DB 7 Reggie Lewis DB 8 DeAngelo Woodie DB 19 Koreen Burch DL 99 99 DL 33 Conor Reilly DL 91 Stephen Coleman Georgia Rampage POS ## OFFENSE POS ## DEFENSE Player participation: Lakeland Raiders: 12-Chris Pointdext, 17-Sergio Allen, 24-Bryan Houston. Georgia Rampage: 0-Jeff Phillips, 1-Brad Lester, 2-JavaresTaylor, 3-C.J. Dial, 5-Lee Hilt, 7-Omar Pittman, 9-Jaye Tyroff, 11-Joel Stratham, 12-Clarence Goines, 13-Akeen Scruggs, 15-Manny Rodriguez, 21-Al Shumak, 28-Andre Powell, 53-Albert Catron, 55-Emmanuel Nkana, 57-Lamond Williams, 60-Nick Rivers, 99-Sam Chester.