Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

Cedar Rapids Titans (0-1) vs. Nebraska Danger (1-0)

Date: Feb 23, 2018 • Site: Grand Island, NE  • Arena: Heartland Events Ctr •  Attendance:

Score by Quarters  Score 
Cedar Rapids Titans   6  15  4  6  31 
Nebraska Danger   9  14  14  7  44 

1st  11:49  NEB   Doe, Kenzel 4 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         2 plays, 32 yards, TOP 0:56  0 - 7 
  09:10  CED   Medlock, Jake 6 yd run (Georgetti, Michael kick failed) 
         4 plays, 26 yards, TOP 1:47  6 - 7 
  02:56  NEB   Jackson, Xzavie safety 
           6 - 9 
2nd  14:13  NEB   Pease, Angelo 7 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         5 plays, 26 yards, TOP 3:18  6 - 16 
  04:42  NEB   Thomas, Eric 8 yd pass from Fleming, Damien (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         8 plays, 42 yards, TOP 5:00  6 - 23 
  00:12  CED   Thomas, Tyler 6 yd pass from Medlock, Jake (Thomas, Tyler rush) 
         9 plays, 45 yards, TOP 3:52  14 - 23 
  00:04  CED   Medlock, Jake 1 yd run (Georgetti, Michael kick) 
         1 play, 1 yard, TOP 0:02  21 - 23 
3rd  15:00  CED   Neely Jr, Corey rouge 
           22 - 23 
  08:59  NEB   Fleming, Damien 1 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         11 plays, 0 yards, TOP 6:01  22 - 30 
  04:44  CED   Georgetti, Michael 18 yd field goal 
         6 plays, 21 yards, TOP 3:45  25 - 30 
  02:18  NEB   Fleming, Damien 3 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         4 plays, 19 yards, TOP 2:20  25 - 37 
4th  03:32  NEB   Dent, Gregory 17 yd pass from Fleming, Damien (Hatfield, Brad kick) 
         5 plays, 41 yards, TOP 2:54  25 - 44 
  00:34  CED   Hollenbeck, Connor 6 yd pass from Medlock, Jake (Medlock, Jake pass failed) 
         5 plays, 45 yards, TOP 2:18  31 - 44 

Kickoff time: 7:00  • End of Game: 9:30  • Total elapsed time: 2:30


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

 Team Totals  CED  NEB 
FIRST DOWNS  16  18 
   Rushing  11 
   Rushing Attempts  21  26 
   Average Per Rush  4.0  4.5 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  16-26-0  12-17-0 
   Average Per Attempt  3.6  5.8 
   Average Per Completion  5.9  8.2 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  50  44 
   Average Gain Per Play  3.6  4.9 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  2-30  2-15 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  6-236  7-330 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  39.3  47.1 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  25.0  33.9 
MFG Returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  5-88-0  6-86-0 
   Average Per Return  17.6  14.3 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  27:21  32:39 
   1st Quarter  6:06  8:54 
   2nd Quarter  7:40  7:20 
   3rd Quarter  5:52  9:08 
   4th Quarter  7:43  7:17 
Third-Down Conversions  5 of 11  5 of 8 
Fourth-Down Conversions  0 of 3  1 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  5-7  4-6 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  1-8  3-25 
PAT Kicks  1-2  6-6 
   2-Point drop-kick PATs  0-0  0-0 
Field Goals  1-2  0-2 
   4-Point drop kick FGs  1-0  0-0 
Touchdowns (Rush-Pass-Return)  2-2-0  4-2-0 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

Cedar Rapids Titans
Nebraska Danger
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Thomas, Tyler   12  59  50  21  4.2 
Medlock, Jake   19  19  4.8 
Lawson-Gayle,R.  19  16  11  4.0 
Smith, Jordan   -1  -1.0 
Totals...  21  97  13  84  21  4.0 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Fleming, Damien  10  58  56  28  5.6 
Pease, Angelo   13  50  48  3.7 
Dent, Gregory   9.0 
Doe, Kenzel   2.0 
Totals...  26  121  117  28  4.5 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Medlock, Jake   16-26-0  119  17 
Team   0-0-0  -25 
Totals...  16-26-0  94  17 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Fleming, Damien  12-17-0  106  17 
Team   0-0-0  -8 
Totals...  12-17-0  98  17 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Hollenbeck, Connor  34 
Thomas, Tyler   32  10 
Harvey, Raheem   32  17 
Smith, Jordan   17  11 
Tomlinson, Jack 
Totals...  16  119  17 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Dent, Gregory   58  17 
Thomas, Eric   44  15 
Doe, Kenzel  
Totals...  12  106  17 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Thomas, Tyler   12  12 
Lawson-Gayle,R.  76  29 
Totals...  88  29 
   MFG  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Tavarres, Myke   55  30 
Brassell, Nick   31  31 
Pease, Angelo  
Totals...  86  31 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
Thomas, Tyler   50  32  12  94 
Lawson-Gayle,R.  16  76  92 
Hollenbeck, Connor  34  34 
Harvey, Raheem   32  32 
Medlock, Jake   19  19 
Smith, Jordan   -1  17  16 
Tomlinson, Jack 
Totals...  84  119  88  291 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  FGR  IR  Total 
Dent, Gregory   58  67 
Fleming, Damien  56  56 
Tavarres, Myke   55  55 
Pease, Angelo   48  48 
Thomas, Eric   44  44 
Brassell, Nick   31  31 
Doe, Kenzel  
Totals...  117  106  86  309 
Georgetti, Michael  1st  12:45  44 yards  Missed 
Georgetti, Michael  3rd  04:44  18 yards  Good 
Hatfield, Brad  1st  03:43  28 yards  Missed 
Hatfield, Brad  4th  10:15  36 yards  Missed 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Georgetti, Michael  236  39.3 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Hatfield, Brad   330  47.1 
FUMBLES: Cedar Rapids Titans-None. Nebraska Danger-Brassell, Nick 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CED   1st  C22  15:00  Kickoff  C20  12:45     Missed FG  4--2  2:15    
CED   1st  C24  10:57  Kickoff  N00  09:10  TOUCHDOWN  4-26  1:47    
CED   1st  C05  03:43  Missed FG  C-2  02:56  SAFETY  2--7  0:47    
CED   2nd  N18  13:24  Kickoff  N08  09:42     Downs  7-10  3:42    
CED   2nd  C05  03:58  Kickoff  N00  00:06  TOUCHDOWN  9-45  3:52    
CED   2nd  N01  00:06  Fumble  N00  00:04  TOUCHDOWN  1-1  0:02    
CED   3rd  C25  08:29  Kickoff  N04  04:44  FIELD GOAL  6-21  3:45    
CED   3rd  C09  02:01  Kickoff  N23  13:31     Downs  7-18  3:30    
CED   4th  C20  10:15  Missed FG  N09  06:26     Downs  7-21  3:49    
CED   4th  C05  02:52  Kickoff  N00  00:34  TOUCHDOWN  5-45  2:18    
NEB   1st  N18  12:45  Missed FG  C00  11:49  TOUCHDOWN  2-32  0:56    
NEB   1st  N17  08:18  Kickoff  C14  03:43     Missed FG  7-19  4:35    
NEB   1st  N24  02:31  Kickoff  C00  14:13  TOUCHDOWN  5-26  3:18    
NEB   2nd  N08  09:42  Downs  C00  04:42  TOUCHDOWN  8-42  5:00    
NEB   2nd  N01  00:12  Kickoff  N01  00:06     Fumble  0-0  0:06    
NEB   2nd  N05  00:00  Kickoff  N05  08:59     End of half  11-0  6:01    
NEB   3rd  C19  04:38  Kickoff  C00  02:18  TOUCHDOWN  4-19  2:20    
NEB   4th  N23  13:31  Downs  C21  10:15     Missed FG  4-6  3:16    
NEB   4th  N09  06:26  Downs  C00  03:32  TOUCHDOWN  5-41  2:54    
NEB   4th  C09  00:27  Kickoff  C09  00:00     End of half  1-0  0:27    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Cedar Rapids Titans   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   06:06   07:40   05:52   07:43      13:46   13:35      27:21  
3rd Down Conversions   1/2   2/4   1/2   1/3      3/6   2/5      5/11  
Average field position  C17   N22   C17   C12      C22   C14      C19  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/1   0/0   0/2      0/1   0/2      0/3  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Nebraska Danger   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   08:54   07:20   09:08   07:17      16:14   16:25      32:39  
3rd Down Conversions   1/2   2/2   1/2   1/2      3/4   2/4      5/8  
Average field position  N19   N06   C19   N24      N14   C24      N19  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   1/1   0/0      0/0   1/1      1/1  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CED   1st  C22  15:00  Kickoff  C20  12:45     Missed FG  4--2  2:15    
NEB   1st  N18  12:45  Missed FG  C00  11:49  TOUCHDOWN  2-32  0:56    
CED   1st  C24  10:57  Kickoff  N00  09:10  TOUCHDOWN  4-26  1:47    
NEB   1st  N17  08:18  Kickoff  C14  03:43     Missed FG  7-19  4:35    
CED   1st  C05  03:43  Missed FG  C-2  02:56  SAFETY  2--7  0:47    
NEB   1st  N24  02:31  Kickoff  C00  14:13  TOUCHDOWN  5-26  3:18    
CED   2nd  N18  13:24  Kickoff  N08  09:42     Downs  7-10  3:42    
NEB   2nd  N08  09:42  Downs  C00  04:42  TOUCHDOWN  8-42  5:00    
CED   2nd  C05  03:58  Kickoff  N00  00:06  TOUCHDOWN  9-45  3:52    
NEB   2nd  N01  00:12  Kickoff  N01  00:06     Fumble  0-0  0:06    
CED   2nd  N01  00:06  Fumble  N00  00:04  TOUCHDOWN  1-1  0:02    
NEB   2nd  N05  00:00  Kickoff  N05  08:59     End of half  11-0  6:01    
CED   3rd  C25  08:29  Kickoff  N04  04:44  FIELD GOAL  6-21  3:45    
NEB   3rd  C19  04:38  Kickoff  C00  02:18  TOUCHDOWN  4-19  2:20    
CED   3rd  C09  02:01  Kickoff  N23  13:31     Downs  7-18  3:30    
NEB   4th  N23  13:31  Downs  C21  10:15     Missed FG  4-6  3:16    
CED   4th  C20  10:15  Missed FG  N09  06:26     Downs  7-21  3:49    
NEB   4th  N09  06:26  Downs  C00  03:32  TOUCHDOWN  5-41  2:54    
CED   4th  C05  02:52  Kickoff  N00  00:34  TOUCHDOWN  5-45  2:18    
NEB   4th  C09  00:27  Kickoff  C09  00:00     End of half  1-0  0:27    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

##  Cedar Rapids Titans   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
2   Dozier, Cedric   9.0  0.5/1   .   .   .  
8   Bramwell,Raheem  5.5  .   .   .   .  
48  Bell, Kwame   4.5  1.5/2   .   .   .  
99  Williams, Owen   3.5  0.5/1   .   .   .  
6   Calhoun, James   3.0  .   .   .   .  
20  Cox, Qua   3.0  .   1-0   .   .  
28  Barnes, Rodney   2.5  .   .   .   .  
54  Bell, Ricarlo   2.0  1.5/8   .   .   1.0/8  
26  Neely Jr, Corey  2.0  .   .   .   .  
18  Hollenbeck, Connor  1.0  .   .   .   .  
##  Nebraska Danger   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
44  Tavarres, Myke   10.0  2.0/9   .   .   1.0/8  
11  Masifilo,Daniel  7.5  .   .   .   .  
2   Bright, Najee   7.5  1.5/4   .   .   .  
1   Brassell, Nick   4.5  .   .   .   .  
10  Myers,Ra'Shawde  3.5  1.5/10   .   .   1.0/10  
8   Monroe, Darion   3.0  1.5/3   .   .   .  
24  Leslie,Nakevion  2.0  .   .   .   .  
93  Jackson, Xzavie  1.5  1.5/9   .   .   1.0/7  
91  Miles-Nash,Colt  1.0  .   .   .   .  
4   Thomas, Eric   0.5  .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

Cedar Rapids Titans: 2-Dozier, Cedric, 3-Tomlinson, Jack, 4-Georgetti, Mich, 5-Medlock, Jake, 6-Calhoun, James, 8-Bramwell,Raheem, 11-Harvey, Raheem, 17-Smith, Jordan, 18-Hollenbeck, Con, 20-Cox, Qua, 22-Thomas, Tyler, 23-McDaniel,Danzel, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R., 26-Neely Jr, Corey, 28-Barnes, Rodney, 42-McClain, Bryce, 48-Bell, Kwame, 54-Bell, Ricarlo, 60-Erbes, Andrew, 62-Harris, Randall, 65-Brown, Sean, 99-Williams, Owen.

Nebraska Danger: 1-Brassell, Nick, 2-Bright, Najee, 4-Thomas, Eric, 5-Dent, Gregory, 6-Pease, Angelo, 7-Fleming, Damien, 8-Monroe, Darion, 9-Doe, Kenzel, 10-Myers,Ra'Shawde, 11-Masifilo,Daniel, 15-Scroggins,Jesse, 17-Deloney, Chris, 22-Hatfield, Brad, 24-Leslie,Nakevion, 44-Tavarres, Myke, 55-Sadler, Bryce, 65-Butler, Mason, 71-White, Palmer, 72-McClain,Devonte, 91-Miles-Nash,Colt, 93-Jackson, Xzavie.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Cedar Rapids Titans.  6 15  4  6  - 31       Record: (0-1)
Nebraska Danger.....  9 14 14  7  - 44       Record: (1-0)

Scoring Summary:
1st 11:49 NEB - Doe, Kenzel 4 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick), 2-32 0:56, CED 0 - NEB 7
    09:10 CED - Medlock, Jake 6 yd run (Georgetti, Michael kick failed), 4-26 1:47, CED 6 - NEB 7
    02:56 NEB - Jackson, Xzavie safety, , CED 6 - NEB 9
2nd 14:13 NEB - Pease, Angelo 7 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick), 5-26 3:18, CED 6 - NEB 16
    04:42 NEB - Thomas, Eric 8 yd pass from Fleming, Damien (Hatfield, Brad kick), 8-42 5:00, CED 6 - NEB 23
    00:12 CED - Thomas, Tyler 6 yd pass from Medlock, Jake (Thomas, Tyler rush), 9-45 3:52, CED 14 - NEB 23
    00:04 CED - Medlock, Jake 1 yd run (Georgetti, Michael kick), 1-1 0:02, CED 21 - NEB 23
3rd 15:00 CED - Neely Jr, Corey rouge, , CED 22 - NEB 23
    08:59 NEB - Fleming, Damien 1 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick), 11-0 6:01, CED 22 - NEB 30
    04:44 CED - Georgetti, Michael 18 yd field goal, 6-21 3:45, CED 25 - NEB 30
    02:18 NEB - Fleming, Damien 3 yd run (Hatfield, Brad kick), 4-19 2:20, CED 25 - NEB 37
4th 03:32 NEB - Dent, Gregory 17 yd pass from Fleming, Damien (Hatfield, Brad kick), 5-41 2:54, CED 25 - NEB 44
    00:34 CED - Hollenbeck, Connor 6 yd pass from Medlock, Jake (Medlock, Jake pass failed), 5-45 2:18, CED 31 - NEB 44

                                    CED      NEB
FIRST DOWNS...................       16       18
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............    21-84   26-117
PASSING YDS (NET).............       94       98
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  26-16-0  17-12-0
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   50-178   44-215
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     5-88     6-86
Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0      0-0
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     2-30     2-15
Possession Time...............    27:21    32:39
Third-Down Conversions........  5 of 11   5 of 8
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   0 of 3   1 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      5-7      4-6
Sacks By: Number-Yards........      1-8     3-25

RUSHING: Cedar Rapids Titans-Thomas, Tyler 12-50; Medlock, Jake 4-19;
Lawson-Gayle,R. 4-16; Smith, Jordan 1-minus 1. Nebraska Danger-Fleming, Damien
10-56; Pease, Angelo 13-48; Dent, Gregory 1-9; Doe, Kenzel 2-4.

PASSING: Cedar Rapids Titans-Medlock, Jake 16-26-0-119; Team 0-0-0-minus
25. Nebraska Danger-Fleming, Damien 12-17-0-106; Team 0-0-0-minus 8.

RECEIVING: Cedar Rapids Titans-Hollenbeck, Connor 5-34; Thomas, Tyler
5-32; Harvey, Raheem 3-32; Smith, Jordan 2-17; Tomlinson, Jack 1-4. Nebraska
Danger-Dent, Gregory 6-58; Thomas, Eric 5-44; Doe, Kenzel 1-4.

INTERCEPTIONS: Cedar Rapids Titans-None. Nebraska Danger-None.

FUMBLES: Cedar Rapids Titans-None. Nebraska Danger-Brassell, Nick 1-1.

Stadium: Heartland Events Ctr  Attendance: 0
Kickoff time: 7:00      End of Game: 9:30      Total elapsed time: 2:30

Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE) SACKS (UA-A): Cedar Rapids Titans-Bell, Ricarlo 1-0. Nebraska Danger-Myers,Ra'Shawde 1-0; Tavarres, Myke 1-0; Jackson, Xzavie 1-0. TACKLES (UA-A): Cedar Rapids Titans-Dozier, Cedric 8-2; Bramwell,Raheem 5-1; Bell, Kwame 2-5; Williams, Owen 2-3; Calhoun, James 2-2; Cox, Qua 2-2; Barnes, Rodney 2-1; Bell, Ricarlo 1-2; Neely Jr, Corey 1-2; Hollenbeck, Connor 1-0. Nebraska Danger-Tavarres, Myke 7-6; Bright, Najee 5-5; Masifilo,Daniel 5-5; Brassell, Nick 4-1; Myers,Ra'Shawde 2-3; Monroe, Darion 1-4; Leslie,Nakevion 1-2; Jackson, Xzavie 1-1; Miles-Nash,Colt 1-0; Thomas, Eric 0-1. Player participation: Cedar Rapids Titans: 2-Dozier, Cedric, 3-Tomlinson, Jack, 4-Georgetti, Mich, 5-Medlock, Jake, 6-Calhoun, James, 8-Bramwell,Raheem, 11-Harvey, Raheem, 17-Smith, Jordan, 18-Hollenbeck, Con, 20-Cox, Qua, 22-Thomas, Tyler, 23-McDaniel,Danzel, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R., 26-Neely Jr, Corey, 28-Barnes, Rodney, 42-McClain, Bryce, 48-Bell, Kwame, 54-Bell, Ricarlo, 60-Erbes, Andrew, 62-Harris, Randall, 65-Brown, Sean, 99-Williams, Owen. Nebraska Danger: 1-Brassell, Nick, 2-Bright, Najee, 4-Thomas, Eric, 5-Dent, Gregory, 6-Pease, Angelo, 7-Fleming, Damien, 8-Monroe, Darion, 9-Doe, Kenzel, 10-Myers,Ra'Shawde, 11-Masifilo,Daniel, 15-Scroggins,Jesse, 17-Deloney, Chris, 22-Hatfield, Brad, 24-Leslie,Nakevion, 44-Tavarres, Myke, 55-Sadler, Bryce, 65-Butler, Mason, 71-White, Palmer, 72-McClain,Devonte, 91-Miles-Nash,Colt, 93-Jackson, Xzavie.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

1st Quarter

Ced 1-10at Ced00Clock 15:00.
Ced 1-10at Ced00NEB ball on NEB0.
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 40 yards to the CED10, 22-Thomas, Tyler return 12 yards to the CED22 (91-Miles-Nash,Colt).
Ced 1-10at Ced225-Medlock, Jake sacked for loss of 8 yards to the CED14 (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 2-18at Ced1422-Thomas, Tyler rush for loss of 3 yards to the CED11.
Ced 3-21at Ced115-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con for 9 yards to the CED20 (11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 4-12at Ced204-Georgetti, Mich field goal attempt from 44 MISSED - short, spot at NEB18, clock 12:45.
Drive: 4 plays, minus 2 yards, TOP 02:15
Neb 1-10at Neb18NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 12:45.
Neb 1-10at Neb187-Fleming, Damien rush for 28 yards to the CED4, 1ST DOWN NEB.
Neb 1-Gat Ced049-Doe, Kenzel rush for 4 yards to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:49.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 7, Cedar Rapids Titans 0
Drive: 2 plays, 32 yards, TOP 00:56
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 45 yards to the CED5, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R. return 19 yards to the CED24 (11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 1-10at Ced24CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 10:57.
Ced 1-10at Ced2422-Thomas, Tyler rush for 12 yards to the NEB14, 1ST DOWN CED (44-Tavarres, Myke;2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 1-10at Neb145-Medlock, Jake rush for 5 yards to the NEB9 (4-Thomas, Eric;11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 2-5at Neb0922-Thomas, Tyler rush for 3 yards to the NEB6 (44-Tavarres, Myke;1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 3-2at Neb065-Medlock, Jake rush for 6 yards to the NEB0, 1ST DOWN CED, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:10.
4-Georgetti, Mich kick attempt failed.
Nebraska Danger 7, Cedar Rapids Titans 6
Drive: 4 plays, 26 yards, TOP 01:47
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 37 yards to the NEB13, 44-Tavarres, Myke return 4 yards to the NEB17 (20-Cox, Qua).
Neb 1-10at Neb17NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 08:18.
Neb 1-10at Neb177-Fleming, Damien pass incomplete to 5-Dent, Gregory.
Neb 2-10at Neb176-Pease, Angelo rush for 1 yard to the NEB18 (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 3-9at Neb187-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 4-Thomas, Eric for 15 yards to the CED17, 1ST DOWN NEB (8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 1-10at Ced176-Pease, Angelo rush for 3 yards to the CED14 (48-Bell, Kwame;28-Barnes, Rodney).
Neb 2-7at Ced147-Fleming, Damien pass incomplete to 6-Pease, Angelo.
Neb 3-7at Ced147-Fleming, Damien pass incomplete to 5-Dent, Gregory.
Neb 4-7at Ced1422-Hatfield, Brad field goal attempt from 28 MISSED - wide right, spot at CED5, clock 03:43.
Drive: 7 plays, 19 yards, TOP 04:35
Ced 1-10at Ced05CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 03:43.
Ced 1-10at Ced0522-Thomas, Tyler rush for no gain to the CED5 (10-Myers,Ra'Shawde).
Ced 2-10at Ced055-Medlock, Jake sacked for loss of 7 yards to the CED-2 (93-Jackson, Xzavie), 93-Jackson, Xzavie safety, clock 02:56.
Nebraska Danger 9, Cedar Rapids Titans 6
Drive: 2 plays, minus 7 yards, TOP 00:47
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 57 yards to the NEB-7, 1-Brassell, Nick return 31 yards to the NEB24 (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 1-10at Neb24NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 02:31.
Neb 1-10at Neb247-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 7 yards to the CED19 (20-Cox, Qua).
Neb 2-3at Ced196-Pease, Angelo rush for 4 yards to the CED15, 1ST DOWN NEB (99-Williams, Owen;26-Neely Jr, Corey).
Neb 1-10at Ced155-Dent, Gregory rush for 9 yards to the CED6 (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Drive: 3 plays, 20 yards, TOP 03:18
Nebraska Danger 9, Cedar Rapids Titans 6
2nd Quarter

Neb 2-1at Ced06Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Neb 2-1at Ced067-Fleming, Damien rush for loss of 1 yard to the CED7 (2-Dozier, Cedric;54-Bell, Ricarlo).
Neb 3-2at Ced076-Pease, Angelo rush for 7 yards to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 14:13.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 16, Cedar Rapids Titans 6
Drive: 5 plays, 26 yards, TOP 03:18
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 47 yards to the CED3, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R. return 29 yards to the NEB18 (11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 1-10at Neb18CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 13:24.
Ced 1-10at Neb1822-Thomas, Tyler rush for 3 yards to the NEB15 (44-Tavarres, Myke;8-Monroe, Darion).
Ced 2-7at Neb1522-Thomas, Tyler rush for loss of 4 yards to the NEB19 (93-Jackson, Xzavie;2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 3-11at Neb195-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con.
Ced 4-11at Neb19PENALTY NEB illegal defense (2-Bright, Najee) 5 yards to the NEB14, 1ST DOWN CED.
Ced 1-10at Neb1425-Lawson-Gayle,R. rush for loss of 2 yards to the NEB16 (8-Monroe, Darion).
Ced 2-12at Neb165-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete.
Ced 3-12at Neb165-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con for 8 yards to the NEB8 (2-Bright, Najee;8-Monroe, Darion).
Ced 4-4at Neb085-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 3-Tomlinson, Jack.
Drive: 7 plays, 10 yards, TOP 03:42
Neb 1-10at Neb08NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 09:42.
Neb 1-10at Neb086-Pease, Angelo rush for loss of 2 yards to the NEB6 (48-Bell, Kwame;99-Williams, Owen).
Neb 2-12at Neb067-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 4-Thomas, Eric for 13 yards to the NEB19, 1ST DOWN NEB (6-Calhoun, James).
Neb 1-10at Neb196-Pease, Angelo rush for 2 yards to the NEB21 (8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 2-8at Neb217-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 9-Doe, Kenzel for 4 yards to the 25 yardline (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 3-4at Neb257-Fleming, Damien rush for 7 yards to the CED18, 1ST DOWN NEB (54-Bell, Ricarlo;26-Neely Jr, Corey).
Neb 1-10at Ced186-Pease, Angelo rush for 6 yards to the CED12 (26-Neely Jr, Corey).
Neb 2-4at Ced126-Pease, Angelo rush for 4 yards to the CED8, 1ST DOWN NEB (8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 1-Gat Ced087-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 4-Thomas, Eric for 8 yards to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:42.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 23, Cedar Rapids Titans 6
Drive: 8 plays, 42 yards, TOP 05:00
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 52 yards to the CED-2, touchback.
Ced 1-10at Ced05CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 03:58.
Ced 1-10at Ced055-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 22-Thomas, Tyler for 10 yards to the CED15, 1ST DOWN CED (11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 1-10at Ced1522-Thomas, Tyler rush for 5 yards to the CED20 (11-Masifilo,Daniel;10-Myers,Ra'Shawde).
Ced 2-5at Ced205-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 3-Tomlinson, Jack.
Ced 3-5at Ced20Timeout Nebraska Danger, clock 02:04.
Ced 3-5at Ced205-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con for 6 yards to the NEB24, 1ST DOWN CED (24-Leslie,Nakevion;11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Ced 1-10at Neb245-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 11-Harvey, Raheem.
Ced 2-10at Neb2422-Thomas, Tyler rush for 21 yards to the NEB3, 1ST DOWN CED (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 1-Gat Neb0317-Smith, Jordan rush for loss of 1 yard to the NEB4 (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 2-Gat Neb0422-Thomas, Tyler rush for loss of 2 yards to the NEB6 (2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 3-Gat Neb06Timeout Cedar Rapids Titans, clock 00:18.
Ced 3-Gat Neb065-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 22-Thomas, Tyler for 6 yards to the NEB0, 1ST DOWN CED, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:12.
22-Thomas, Tyler rush attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 23, Cedar Rapids Titans 14
Drive: 9 plays, 45 yards, TOP 03:52
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 49 yards to the NEB1, 1-Brassell, Nick return 0 yards to the NEB1, fumble forced by 20-Cox, Qua, fumble by 1-Brassell, Nick recovered by CED 20-Cox, Qua at NEB1 (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 1-Gat Neb01CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 00:06.
Ced 1-Gat Neb015-Medlock, Jake rush for 1 yard to the NEB0, 1ST DOWN CED, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:04.
4-Georgetti, Mich kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 23, Cedar Rapids Titans 21
Drive: 1 plays, 1 yards, TOP 00:02
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 44 yards to the NEB6, 44-Tavarres, Myke return 30 yards to the CED14 (18-Hollenbeck, Con).
Neb 1-10at Ced14NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 00:00.
Neb 1-10at Ced14End of half, clock 00:00.
Nebraska Danger 23, Cedar Rapids Titans 21
3rd Quarter

Neb 1-10at Ced14Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00.
Neb 1-10at Ced14CED ball on CED0.
Ced 1-10at Ced0026-Neely Jr, Corey rouge, clock 15:00.
Nebraska Danger 23, Cedar Rapids Titans 22
Ced 1-10at Ced00NEB ball on NEB5.
Neb 1-10at Neb059-Doe, Kenzel rush for no gain to the NEB5 (99-Williams, Owen).
Neb 2-10at Neb057-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 9 yards to the NEB14 (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 3-1at Neb147-Fleming, Damien rush for 5 yards to the NEB19, 1ST DOWN NEB (8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 1-10at Neb197-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 4-Thomas, Eric for 4 yards to the NEB23 (20-Cox, Qua;6-Calhoun, James).
Neb 2-6at Neb236-Pease, Angelo rush for 9 yards to the CED18, 1ST DOWN NEB (6-Calhoun, James).
Neb 1-10at Ced187-Fleming, Damien rush for loss of 1 yard to the CED19 (48-Bell, Kwame).
Neb 2-11at Ced197-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 13 yards to the CED6, 1ST DOWN NEB (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 1-Gat Ced067-Fleming, Damien pass incomplete to 4-Thomas, Eric (6-Calhoun, James).
Neb 2-Gat Ced066-Pease, Angelo rush for 5 yards to the CED1 (48-Bell, Kwame;2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 3-Gat Ced01Timeout Nebraska Danger, clock 09:36.
Neb 3-Gat Ced016-Pease, Angelo rush for no gain to the CED1 (6-Calhoun, James;48-Bell, Kwame).
Neb 4-Gat Ced017-Fleming, Damien rush for 1 yard to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:59.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 30, Cedar Rapids Titans 22
Drive: 11 plays, 0 yards, TOP 06:01
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 36 yards to the CED14, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R. return 11 yards to the 25 yardline (44-Tavarres, Myke;10-Myers,Ra'Shawde).
Ced 1-10at Ced25CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 08:29.
Ced 1-10at Ced255-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 17-Smith, Jordan for 6 yards to the NEB19 (2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 2-4at Neb1922-Thomas, Tyler rush for 10 yards to the NEB9, 1ST DOWN CED (2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 1-Gat Neb09Timeout Cedar Rapids Titans, clock 06:46.
Ced 1-Gat Neb0922-Thomas, Tyler rush for 2 yards to the NEB7 (2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 2-Gat Neb0722-Thomas, Tyler rush for 3 yards to the NEB4 (24-Leslie,Nakevion).
Ced 3-Gat Neb045-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 11-Harvey, Raheem (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 4-Gat Neb044-Georgetti, Mich field goal attempt from 18 GOOD, clock 04:44, PENALTY NEB illegal defense declined.
Nebraska Danger 30, Cedar Rapids Titans 25
Drive: 6 plays, 21 yards, TOP 03:45
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 40 yards to the NEB10, 44-Tavarres, Myke return 21 yards to the CED19 (48-Bell, Kwame).
Neb 1-10at Ced19NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 04:38.
Neb 1-10at Ced196-Pease, Angelo rush for 8 yards to the CED11 (28-Barnes, Rodney).
Neb 2-2at Ced117-Fleming, Damien rush for 7 yards to the CED4, 1ST DOWN NEB (99-Williams, Owen).
Neb 1-Gat Ced046-Pease, Angelo rush for 1 yard to the CED3 (28-Barnes, Rodney).
Neb 2-Gat Ced037-Fleming, Damien rush for 3 yards to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:18.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 37, Cedar Rapids Titans 25
Drive: 4 plays, 19 yards, TOP 02:20
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 58 yards to the CED-8, 25-Lawson-Gayle,R. return 17 yards to the CED9 (24-Leslie,Nakevion;2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 1-10at Ced09CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 02:01.
Ced 1-10at Ced095-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 11-Harvey, Raheem.
Ced 2-10at Ced095-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 11-Harvey, Raheem (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 3-10at Ced095-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 11-Harvey, Raheem for 11 yards to the CED20, 1ST DOWN CED (11-Masifilo,Daniel).
Drive: 3 plays, 11 yards, TOP 03:30
Nebraska Danger 37, Cedar Rapids Titans 25
4th Quarter

Ced 1-10at Ced20Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Ced 1-10at Ced205-Medlock, Jake sacked for loss of 10 yards to the CED10 (10-Myers,Ra'Shawde).
Ced 2-20at Ced105-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 22-Thomas, Tyler for 8 yards to the CED18 (44-Tavarres, Myke;8-Monroe, Darion).
Ced 3-12at Ced185-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con for 5 yards to the CED23 (2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 4-7at Ced235-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 11-Harvey, Raheem for 4 yards to the NEB23 (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Drive: 7 plays, 18 yards, TOP 03:30
Neb 1-10at Neb23NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 13:31.
Neb 1-10at Neb237-Fleming, Damien rush for no gain to the NEB23 (8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 2-10at Neb237-Fleming, Damien pass incomplete to 9-Doe, Kenzel.
Neb 3-10at Neb237-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 6 yards to the CED21 (20-Cox, Qua;8-Bramwell,Raheem).
Neb 4-4at Ced2122-Hatfield, Brad field goal attempt from 36 MISSED - short, spot at CED20, clock 10:15.
Drive: 4 plays, 6 yards, TOP 03:16
Ced 1-10at Ced20CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 10:15.
Ced 1-10at Ced2025-Lawson-Gayle,R. rush for 11 yards to the NEB19, 1ST DOWN CED (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 1-10at Neb1925-Lawson-Gayle,R. rush for 8 yards to the NEB11 (11-Masifilo,Daniel;44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 2-2at Neb115-Medlock, Jake rush for 7 yards to the NEB4, 1ST DOWN CED (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 1-Gat Neb0425-Lawson-Gayle,R. rush for loss of 1 yard to the NEB5 (8-Monroe, Darion;10-Myers,Ra'Shawde).
Ced 2-Gat Neb05PENALTY CED unsportsmanlike conduct (60-Erbes, Andrew) 15 yards to the NEB20.
Ced 2-Gat Neb205-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 22-Thomas, Tyler for 7 yards to the NEB13 (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 3-Gat Neb135-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 3-Tomlinson, Jack for 4 yards to the NEB9 (11-Masifilo,Daniel;2-Bright, Najee).
Ced 4-Gat Neb095-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 3-Tomlinson, Jack (2-Bright, Najee).
Drive: 7 plays, 21 yards, TOP 03:49
Neb 1-10at Neb09NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 06:26.
Neb 1-10at Neb097-Fleming, Damien rush for 7 yards to the NEB16 (99-Williams, Owen;48-Bell, Kwame).
Neb 2-3at Neb167-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 4-Thomas, Eric for 4 yards to the NEB20, 1ST DOWN NEB (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 1-10at Neb20PENALTY CED personal foul (54-Bell, Ricarlo) 15 yards to the CED15, 1ST DOWN NEB.
Neb 1-10at Ced157-Fleming, Damien sacked for loss of 8 yards to the CED23 (54-Bell, Ricarlo).
Neb 2-18at Ced237-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 6 yards to the CED17 (2-Dozier, Cedric).
Neb 3-12at Ced177-Fleming, Damien pass complete to 5-Dent, Gregory for 17 yards to the CED0, 1ST DOWN NEB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:32.
22-Hatfield, Brad kick attempt good.
Nebraska Danger 44, Cedar Rapids Titans 25
Drive: 5 plays, 41 yards, TOP 02:54
22-Hatfield, Brad kickoff 52 yards to the CED-2, out-of-bounds, CED ball on CED5.
Ced 1-10at Ced05CEDAR RAPIDS TITANS drive start at 02:52.
Ced 1-10at Ced055-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 22-Thomas, Tyler for 1 yard to the CED6 (44-Tavarres, Myke).
Ced 2-9at Ced065-Medlock, Jake pass incomplete to 11-Harvey, Raheem (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 3-9at Ced065-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 11-Harvey, Raheem for 17 yards to the CED23, 1ST DOWN CED (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 1-10at Ced235-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 17-Smith, Jordan for 11 yards to the NEB16, 1ST DOWN CED (1-Brassell, Nick).
Ced 1-10at Neb165-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 3-Tomlinson, Jack for 3 yards to the NEB13 (2-Bright, Najee), PENALTY NEB holding (8-Monroe, Darion) 10 yards to the NEB6, 1ST DOWN CED, NO PLAY.
Ced 1-Gat Neb065-Medlock, Jake pass complete to 18-Hollenbeck, Con for 6 yards to the NEB0, 1ST DOWN CED, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:34.
5-Medlock, Jake pass attempt failed.
Nebraska Danger 44, Cedar Rapids Titans 31
Drive: 5 plays, 45 yards, TOP 02:18
4-Georgetti, Mich kickoff 9 yards to the CED9, 6-Pease, Angelo return 0 yards to the CED9.
Neb 1-Gat Ced09NEBRASKA DANGER drive start at 00:27.
Neb 1-Gat Ced09Timeout Cedar Rapids Titans, clock 00:27.
Neb 1-Gat Ced09TM-Team rush for no gain to the CED9.
Neb 2-Gat Ced09End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 1 plays, 0 yards, TOP 00:27
Nebraska Danger 44, Cedar Rapids Titans 31

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)
Cedar Rapids Titans vs Nebraska Danger (Feb 23, 2018 at Grand Island, NE)

Cedar Rapids Titans                    Nebraska Danger

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   21   29     50     OVERALL..........   27   18     45
1ST DOWN.........   12    9     21     1ST DOWN.........   14    6     20
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    1    0      1     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    4    1      5
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    1      4     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    0      3
2ND DOWN-LONG....    4    6     10     2ND DOWN-LONG....    1    7      8
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    1    0      1     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    3    0      3
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    1      1     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    0      1
3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    9      9     3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    4      4
4TH DOWN.........    0    3      3     4TH DOWN.........    1    0      1

Cedar Rapids Titans                    Nebraska Danger

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   21   29     50       ...............   27   18     45

Cedar Rapids Titans (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (12 RUN, 9 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-3 N03 #17 -1 [ ] 1-10 C09 #5 to #11 - [ ] 1-9 N09 #22 2 [ ] 1-10 N24 #5 to #11 - [ ] 1-10 C15 #22 5 [ ] 1-10 C25 #5 to #17 6 [ ] 1-10 C05 #22 0 [ ] 1-10 C23 #5 to #17 11 [ ] 1-10 C24 #22 12 [ ] 1-6 N06 #5 to #18 6 [ ] 1-10 N18 #22 3 [ ] 1-10 C05 #5 to #22 10 [ ] 1-10 N14 #25 -2 [ ] 1-10 C05 #5 to #22 1 [ ] 1-4 N04 #25 -1 [ ] 1-10 C22 #5 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 C20 #25 11 [ ] 1-10 C20 #5 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 N19 #25 8 [ ] 1-1 N01 #5 1 [ ] 1-10 N14 #5 5 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-2 N11 #5 7 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 N04 #22 -2 [ ] 2-5 C20 #5 to #3 - [ ] 2-4 N19 #22 10 [ ] 2-5 N09 #22 3 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (4 RUN, 6 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 N15 #22 -4 [ ] 2-9 C06 #5 to #11 - [ ] 2-10 N24 #22 21 [ ] 2-10 C09 #5 to #11 - [ ] 2-7 N07 #22 3 [ ] 2-20 C10 #5 to #22 8 [ ] 2-18 C14 #22 -3 [ ] 2-20 N20 #5 to #22 7 [ ] 2-12 N16 #5 to # - [ ] 2-10 C05 #5 to # SACK [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 N06 #5 6 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 N04 #5 to #11 - [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 9 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-9 C06 #5 to #11 17 [ ] 3-10 C09 #5 to #11 11 [ ] 3-12 N16 #5 to #18 8 [ ] 3-21 C11 #5 to #18 9 [ ] 3-5 C20 #5 to #18 6 [ ] 3-12 C18 #5 to #18 5 [ ] 3-11 N19 #5 to #18 - [ ] 3-6 N06 #5 to #22 6 [ ] 3-13 N13 #5 to #3 4 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 3 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-7 C23 #5 to #11 4 [ ] 4-9 N09 #5 to #3 - [ ] 4-4 N08 #5 to #3 - [ ]
Nebraska Danger (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (14 RUN, 6 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 C15 #5 9 [ ] 1-10 N19 #7 to #4 4 [ ] 1-10 C19 #6 8 [ ] 1-6 C06 #7 to #4 - [ ] 1-10 C17 #6 3 [ ] 1-8 C08 #7 to #4 8 [ ] 1-10 C18 #6 6 [ ] 1-10 N24 #7 to #5 7 [ ] 1-10 N19 #6 2 [ ] 1-10 N17 #7 to #5 - [ ] 1-4 C04 #6 1 [ ] 1-10 C15 #7 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 N08 #6 -2 [ ] 1-10 N09 #7 7 [ ] 1-10 N23 #7 0 [ ] 1-10 N18 #7 28 [ ] 1-10 C18 #7 -1 [ ] 1-4 C04 #9 4 [ ] 1-10 N05 #9 0 [ ] 1-9 C09 #TM 0 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (4 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 C19 #6 4 [ ] 2-3 N16 #7 to #4 4 [ ] 2-2 C11 #7 7 [ ] 2-1 C06 #7 -1 [ ] 2-3 C03 #7 3 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 0 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 C12 #6 4 [ ] 2-6 N23 #6 9 [ ] 2-6 C06 #6 5 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (1 RUN, 7 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 N17 #6 1 [ ] 2-12 N06 #7 to #4 13 [ ] 2-11 C19 #7 to #5 13 [ ] 2-10 N05 #7 to #5 9 [ ] 2-18 C23 #7 to #5 6 [ ] 2-7 C14 #7 to #6 - [ ] 2-10 N23 #7 to #9 - [ ] 2-8 N21 #7 to #9 4 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (3 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 C07 #6 7 [ ] 3-1 C01 #6 0 [ ] 3-1 N14 #7 5 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 N25 #7 7 [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 4 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-9 N18 #7 to #4 15 [ ] 3-10 N23 #7 to #5 6 [ ] 3-7 C14 #7 to #5 - [ ] 3-12 C17 #7 to #5 17 [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-1 C01 #7 1 [ ]